Monday, February 11, 2019

B5: Relational Databases and SQL

A relational database is a set of interconnected tables, which can be queried, or called for, to display the data in new ways without the restructuring of the tables themselves. Databases are useful for managing and organizing large quantities of data, and are therefore, a useful tool for the AEC industry. [1]

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the primary “... computer language for relational database management and data manipulation.” [2].  SQL is the standard query language, and is the primary interface to communicate with relational databases. The common language makes interoperability possible; SQL is “... supported by all popular relational database engines.” SQL is used to query, insert, update and modify data.” [2]

Very simply, a query is a question. In the context of a database, there are numerous types of queries including a “select query” and an “action query”. Select queries are for data retrieval. Data is stored in tables. The tables are tabular, similar to formatting for an Excel document. Each table has numerous fields (the columns) in each table, and records (the rows) exist for each field. Typically, the records are auto-numbered with a specific ID. However, databases differ from an excel document with the use of relationships. Relationships can be created between numerous tables, which link the information, and allow for information to be called for in a “select query”, even if all the information desired is not in the same exact table. The select query presents the selected data results in a new and separate data sheet.

Action queries can be used to change the field values in the database. Instead of just altering one table and field at a time, entire groups of records can be called for with a select query, and then altered with an action query, which then changes the database. Action queries can also be used to make new tables, append specific tables. The SQL also has built in functions to aggregate the data values. Specific queries can be ran for selected fields to analyze the data. SQL has functions for count, average, sum, max and min, standard deviation, and others. SQL can also be setup as a search function, which looks for the user inputted characters that match with the record text in the specified tables or a formulated select query. [3] If the tables are structured and interrelated correctly, SQL allows for the acquisition and analysis of data in virtually any way the user would like.

[1] Rouse, Margaret. “What Is Relational Database? - Definition from” SearchDataManagement, May 2018, [2] “What Is Structured Query Language (SQL)? - Definition from Techopedia.”, [3] “Designing Action Queries in Access.” 2010. PDF file.



I agree that the use of databases in the AEC industry is becoming more common, and more crucial to managing building information. Revit, and BIM itself, is a large of database with a plethora of interrelated tables of family information and properties. A well formulated and utilized database can increase firm productivity and save a lot of time. Being able to pull up only the specific and relevant information for a certain construction task is an incredibly helpful ability  when trying to determine how one aspect of the design will influence another.


Great introduction! I think when most people think about data it is more related to internet browsing and consumer purchases. While it is obvious that the construction industry also generates a lot of data, I do not think it is typically seen as a data source. Databases are good at storing and sharing information, making them a great way to help with construction coordination and time management. I agree, that if companies invest the time into developing and utilizing databases, company productivity and success will surely increase.

Object oriented databases seem to me like a more intuitive form of database. I think people would have an easier time to think of information stored as an object with a visual aid, than as a bunch of interrelated tables. Applying an object database to engineering drawing files seems like a great way to expedite the drawing process, while keeping all of the database elements up to date in whatever file they are used in.

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