Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Blog 6 - Course Reflection

Being an Electrical engineer, it was interesting to have another view of the technologies being developed. Most of our exposure during electrical engineering courses has been related to production lines and product development. However, this course clearly showed me how the advancements in one industry can come to play an important role in other industries.

At the beginning of the course I learned a lot about BIM and how AI is being implemented I the development of buildings across the world. It is interesting concepts like 3D printed to be brought to a bigger scale in which strong structures are precisely created in incredible shapes and form. From the class, my favorite section was the applications of AI to properly choose the best design of a building based on the ambient characteristics. I normally see AI in more controlled spaces, but using the data from the environment to be process to determine the best model is impressive.

On the other hand, this course gave me a big number of tools and skills on BIM, with the little exposure I had from previous years. I tried the most to make my project required me to use BIM. It was interesting to share my knowledge in controls with my teammates while they constantly teach me how to properly create and present a project at Revit.

About my professional career, this course gave tools to properly understand other industries. As well as provide more awareness of current technologies and different applications. I grow personally since taking the course because now I constantly review news about technology advancements to be up to date to up and coming technologies that I am interested in.

To improve this course, I would like to see more advancements in other industries not related to construction. After taking the course, I have come to realize that any advancement can be adapted to any industry. I believe that if these are shown, most of the students will come with new ideas to implements in their projects. I have taken a lot of knowledge and advancements in construction that I will surely apply to my career as an electrical engineer.

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