Tuesday, January 15, 2019

B1 - Databases, Network, Sociology, Future_Alkiviadis Tsitsios Week 2

As humans cross the bridge from 2018 to 2019, technological advancements are moving at an exponential pace. It is up to humans to keep up with that pace, and make sure that they are advancing as a whole, while technologies make strides [4]. While considering the future, even further than the unknown of 2019, databases, networks, and sociology must be considered. All three of these points will help shape the future [1]. 

The first impact on the future can be related to how databases are changing, with the increased popularity of ‘containers” [3]. Containers allow the user to host applications in portable environments. Containers are helpful because they make the process of using applications and scale services much easier [3]. This is because the user does not have to manage multiple servers. Amazon Web Services, or AWS offers elastic container service which automates much of the infrastructure that is required to deploy a container task [3]. 

Along with databases comes networks. That word, “networks”, can be attributed in more ways than one. In particular, it can be interpreted in terms of cellular networks. Cellular networks will be making the transition between 4G and 5G [2]. This transition will greatly increase mobile internet speeds. It will likely allow downloads to occur in a matter of seconds. This faster network will increase the technological gap, it will influence the spread of artificial intelligence. Phone carriers have already previewed 5G smartphone prototypes [2].

Finally, the last influential factor on the future is the sociological factor. While technology is booming, sights are set on large goals, and wild promises are made, one detail is being forgotten. Originally, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had visions to place a PC on every person’s desk in the world. Now, the goal seems to be to place a “computer” inside of everything [1]. The goal is to connect everything technologically. With the invention of Alexa, and other home devices that competitors are testing, the goal is to connect everyone and everything. This idea seems exciting. It would allow for a much easier user interface and it would change the way the world works. Social constructs would change, and it is important to consider that the change may not be for the better [1]. Overall, Databases, networks, and sociology will shape the future. 

1. Manjoo, Farhad. “A Future Where Everything Becomes a Computer Is as Creepy as You Feared.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Oct. 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/10/10/technology/future-internet-of-things.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Ftechnology&action=click&contentCollection=technology®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront.

2.Clark, Don. “5G Is Coming This Year. Here's What You Need to Know.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 31 Dec. 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/12/31/technology/personaltech/5g-what-you-need-to-know.html?partner=rss&emc=rss.

3.Tozzi, Christopher. “Containers and the Serverless Computing Model: What AWS, Azure and Google Offer.” IT Pro, 29 Nov. 2018, www.itprotoday.com/programming-languages/containers-and-serverless-computing-model-what-aws-azure-and-google-offer.

4.Marvin, Rob. “What Tech Will Look Like in 2039.” PCMAG, PCMAG.COM, 3 Jan. 2019, www.pcmag.com/news/365676/what-tech-will-look-like-in-2039.


Tyler Madden
Our post draws many parallels, like how you talked about cloud computing, I spoke about containers. I admire your contribution relating to the Global Data Protection Regulation. This is a sociological factor that must be considered. It is important to regulate and allow regular people to have access/control to their information. Companies that can not follow GDPR are performing immoral practices. Their regulation of the data is not trustworthy. 

Yicheng Li
The way you tied in the tags, starting with BIM, to 3D Printing, into construction, it was very articulate. Bim is the design, 3D is the model, and construction is the result. It is clear how the three tie into one another, and how altogether, they will impact the future. These new technologies all go hand in hand, and will shape the way construction will undergo in the future. 

Michael Tse
BIM will greatly influence the future, I agree. And the internet of things plays a big role into the future of BIM, but you failed to relate 3D printing to BIM and the future. It is important to incorporate 3D printing because it is directly related to BIM. It allows users to mass produce models of designs that can be converted into structures, which was also failed to be mentioned. Overall, your analysis of the future of BIM was good.

1 comment:

  1. Like what you mentioned in the network part, the containers become more and more popular today. Deploying applications become easier with containers, and it works well with serverless computing model as well. When the technology grows up rapidly, there are positive and negative effects, and sometimes the fake data appears.


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