Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Blog 1-Future Database, Network and Sociology

     As we can see from our lifelog, cloud-based containers and serverless computing model are very popular today. Containers allow people host applications inside portable, isolated environments. Serverless functions can execute code on-demand. People only need to pay for the time the code actually runs, which allows organizations to stop the server running constantly when the applications only serve part time. Containers and serverless are not perfect for all situations, but they can fit in most of the workloads. They can help to quickly deploy applications and scale services, also they help on saving money. The containers and the serverless do not have to work with each other hand-in-hand, they can be used without another, but both of them are scalable and cost-efficient computing. [1]
     The network and database are used commonly in the society today. Some University provided Echo Dots to students last year, which is a voice-activated devices program. It can be used to answer same specific question about the campus, for instance the meal plans and the office hours of for building. Students first learned to bring the device into their life to ask about the weather or play music. Then students wanted to ask more-personalized answers like: What my last test score? The network then should be more complicated because it needs to contain more private information, and the system would grow up soon. [2]
     The database can also used to shape our future cities. The information gathers from smartphone GPS chips, transport cards and street sensors could be used to ease congestion or manage waste, but it can also create a "pernicious feedback loop". These predictive policing data could impact city planning and resource allocation, since people and company would not like to move to areas in high crime rate. On the other hand, the big data is not always right. Some people use apps like Google map to mediate their trip with transport instructions, however, they can be optimized by speed or distance, but not scenic route or environment. [3]

1.      Tozzi, Christopher. “Containers and the Serverless Computing Model: What AWS, Azure and Google Offer.” Nov 29, 2018. https://www.itprotoday.com/programming-languages/containers-and-serverless-computing-model-what-aws-azure-and-google-offer
2.      Ellis, Lindsay. “Hey, Alexa, Should We Bring Virtual Assistants to Campus? These Colleges Gave Them a Shot.” AUGUST 02, 2018. https://www.chronicle.com/article/Hey-Alexa-Should-We-Bring/244129?cid=wb&utm_source=wb&utm_medium=en&elqTrackId=fca8c6a17b7943d696dd417c6c7d660f&elq=02622bf46f104a1d98af1a2355bb2f4b&elqaid=19988&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=9293
3.      Bogle, Ariel. “Big data is going to shape our future cities. Will it treat us all equally?” 14 Mar 2018. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-15/big-data-algorithms-equality-future-cities/9544138


Alkiviadis Tsitsios:
Like what you mentioned in the network part, the containers become more and more popular today. Deploying applications become easier with containers, and it works well with serverless computing model as well. When the technology grows up rapidly, there are positive and negative effects, and sometimes the fake data appears.

Samantha Huttick
I agree with the design purpose you said about robots. They are usually designed for the tasks that people can not work on, like working in dangerous situations and doing very accurate works. Robots can also help as a delivery person or performer for disables, and even able to be used in very accurate medical operations.

Jenny Fretta
I agree with how you describe the 3D printing and how we delivering from 2D printing (CAD) to 3D printing (CAD). As an engineer who also study in interior and architecture design area, I can obviously see the superiority of 3D printing, which cost less; reduce the time to make a models; increase the accuracy of the models. More materials can be used in 3D printing models today, it even broadens the use of 3D printing. All of these provide a better visual experience for clients

1 comment:

  1. I think that the information gathered from public spaces should become intellectual property of individuals. Going out in public and being constantly monitored is a frightening reality and I think it should be opted into rather than forced.


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